Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (2024)

Posted on 2010/07/16 by allyson44 Comments

I never used to like salsa. Not at all.

Not riding atop my favorite tortilla chip, not accompanying my fajitas, not even as a stand in for butter on my baked potato. Nope, I hated it. I also used to loathe cilantro, as I understand many people do. Perhaps it was an acquired taste, because after years of relentless late night salsa snacking by my hubby… I finally caved and started devouring his favorite dip right alongside him.

It used to be that he could savor an entire tub all by himself with no competition trying to sneak their chip into the last bite. Not anymore. I have converted into a full fledged salsa fanatic. Now we buy two containers and polish off both within ten minutes, dueling chips in hand.

I even have developed a particular fondness for that stinky cilantro (but I would rather credit my love affair with Indian cuisine for that one). Mmmm… Baingan Bharta.

Anyways, did you know how wonderful cilantro, avocado and blueberries meld together? They do, and this recipe is simple proof…

…that is, if you don’t hate salsa. :)

Blueberry Avocado Salsa


  • 1 1/2 cups fresh tomatoes, quartered
  • 2 cups fresh blueberries
  • 2 tbsp lime juice + extra for drizzling onto avocados
  • 1/4 cup green onions, chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tbsp chopped jalepeno pepper
  • 1 ripe avocado, cut into small chunks


Pulse all ingredients (except for avocado) a few times in a food processor. Then, cut up your avocado and drizzle with lime juice. Stir in chopped avocado with the rest of your salsa ingredients. Add a touch more salt if desired. Serve immediately.

More Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free & Egg-Free Recipes

  • hazelnut burgers with roasted tomatoes and avocado
  • Loaded Blueberry Muffins
  • Spicy Cilantro Crackers
  • Lasagna with Creamy Red Wine Sauce
  • Fruity Kale Salad with Coconut Lime Dressing
  • Chocolate Avocado Banana Bread
  • pumpkin quinoa white bean chili
  • Coconut Creamy Fruit Salad
  • Super Seductive Smoothie
  • Fig and Kale Salad

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Filed Under: Appetizers/Hors d'oeuvre, Gluten-Free, Sauces

Blackberry Cobbler →

44 Responses to Blueberry Avocado Salsa

  1. 2012/06/19 at 1:32 am

    I know this is an older post, but my goodness, it sounds amazing! I’ll definitely be trying this out during the summer! :)

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (15)allyson says:

      2012/06/21 at 9:56 am

      Thanks, Jackie! It’s an oldie, but goodie. :)

  2. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (16)Jess says:

    2011/07/26 at 11:23 pm

    Yummy!!! Looks amazing thanks! :)

  3. 2011/07/26 at 11:08 am

    […] This refreshing salsa will surely delight with its fruity, yet sophisticated, flavor combination. […]

  4. 2011/03/30 at 1:49 pm

    […] together in one recipe, I’m here to tell you otherwise. When I first stumbled upon this Blueberry Avocado Salsarecipe from manifest:vegan, I, too, was surprised. However, I immediately became intrigued and […]

  5. 2010/09/27 at 5:03 pm

    I love this recipe! A local Mexican restaurant has pineapple salsa and it’s one of my favorites. This blueberry salsa is twice as good and easier to make. Thanks for sharing!

  6. 2010/08/19 at 8:32 am

    […] I recentlyran acrossa recipe for a blueberryavocado salsa that was unlike any salsa that I’d ever seen. I filed it away somewhere in the back of my […]

  7. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (18)Loryn says:

    2010/08/16 at 10:17 pm

    So far I’ve made 3 batches, and it’s been a hit every time. I’d never think to combine those ingredients, but they work so well together.

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (19)allyson says:

      2010/08/17 at 11:38 am

      That is so awesome! Thank you for trying it out… 3 times! :D

  8. 2010/08/16 at 11:10 am

    I thought this looked incredible and tried it this weekend. Oddly enough, it was a great conversation starter for my party. Also, it tasted great too. Thanks for sharing this

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (21)allyson says:

      2010/08/17 at 11:41 am

      You are very welcome! Thanks so much for trying it out… glad it was a great conversation starter too. :)

  9. 2010/08/03 at 4:03 pm

    […] by Manifest Vegan and […]

  10. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (22)Katie says:

    2010/07/31 at 7:05 pm

    I made this, and it was so delicious! I hate that cilantro smell, too, and rarely eat it, but I thought I would try it out. It worked out very nicely! The other flavors make the presence of cilantro a little more mild. Great recipe, beatiful pictures. :)

  11. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (23)Mo says:

    2010/07/29 at 3:58 pm

    I would have never thought to put those together! And the color is gorgeous!!!

  12. 2010/07/27 at 6:02 pm

    […] This post was Twitted by ManifestVegan […]

  13. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (24)kathy says:

    2010/07/27 at 5:57 pm

    I wanted to thank you for contributing to – your posts are A W E S O M E!!! Keep it up :) ~Kathy ps – just tweeted this one, I love it! beautiful photos.

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (25)allyson says:

      2010/07/27 at 6:10 pm

      Thank YOU Kathy, for creating such an awesome resource! So very glad you enjoy my posts! :)

  14. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (26)kathy says:

    2010/07/25 at 6:49 pm

    creative! Must try this. And your photos are beautiful! I really hope you will submit this recipe and more to my new “vegan finds” site:


  15. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (27)Jennifer says:

    2010/07/24 at 7:01 pm

    I love the sounds of this salsa! I can just imagine how wonderful it is! Blueberries are just coming into harvest here, Ill have to give it a whirl!

  16. 2010/07/23 at 8:24 pm

    […] Blueberry Avocado Salsa — I love Manifest Vegan. […]

  17. 2010/07/23 at 10:16 am

    […] Blueberry Avocado Salsa from Manifest Vegan […]

  18. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (28)Lili says:

    2010/07/23 at 3:24 am

    3 of my favorite ingredients: blueberries, avocados, and cilantro. This is amazing. Thank you!!

  19. 2010/07/21 at 2:09 pm

    This looks fantastic! I love the ideas of blackberries in salsa! I love your blog!

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (30)allyson says:

      2010/07/23 at 7:49 pm

      Awe… thanks Vic!

  20. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (31)Carrie says:

    2010/07/19 at 1:14 pm

    I’ve never seen a salsa like this before…it’s so creative! I already love avocados and cilantro, so I have a feeling I’d like this combo, too. So summery and unique…I love it!

  21. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (32)Sarah says:

    2010/07/18 at 8:16 am

    What a good idea!!! I really want to try this. I like salsa, but may be I’ll change to love salsa after this one… :)

  22. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (33)T says:

    2010/07/17 at 12:19 am

    That is one wild combination! I love salsa in all its many forms… looking forward to trying it!

  23. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (34)Kiersten says:

    2010/07/16 at 7:14 pm

    What a different spin on salsa! I am not a huge salsa person, but I do love anything with blueberries.

  24. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (35)Jenny says:

    2010/07/16 at 7:11 pm

    This looks so tasty! I love the vibrant colours. I can’t wait to try this recipe out!

  25. 2010/07/16 at 4:29 pm

    YUMMY! Will pick up tomatoes and blueberries at the farmer’s market tomorrow!

  26. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (37)Morgan says:

    2010/07/16 at 4:18 pm

    This is such an interesting looking combination! Im intrigued!!!

  27. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (38)Jennifer says:

    2010/07/16 at 4:11 pm

    You’ve combined two of my favourite foods, blueberries and avocados! This looks MAGNIFICENT!!

  28. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (39)Wendi says:

    2010/07/16 at 4:00 pm

    You and that AVOCADO! My goodness…I wish I loved it like I LOVE the delectable cilantro! I am sure your little clone girl would love it though…but I think the man ate the avocados.

  29. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (40)Claryn says:

    2010/07/16 at 3:53 pm

    This is absolutely amazing. I’ll be making this as soon as I get my hands on the ingredients. Gorgeous photography (as always), too!

  30. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (41)Rose says:

    2010/07/16 at 2:45 pm

    What beautiful colors! Avocado, cilantro, and blueberries sound wonderful togehter…very unique…I’ll have to try this soon!

  31. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (42)Becky says:

    2010/07/16 at 2:44 pm

    This looks amazing! We have almost all of those ingredients in the fridge right at this moment, too…hmmm….

  32. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (43)Deanna says:

    2010/07/16 at 1:59 pm

    I’ve yet to try a fruity salsa – but this does look intriguing. I’ve been eating salsa by the spoonful in this hot weather. Cool, refreshing salsa. Mmmmmm.

  33. 2010/07/16 at 1:37 pm

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by vegansaurus, Julie Darow and Helen, Allyson Kramer. Allyson Kramer said: Blueberry Avocado Salsa! : #vegan […]

  34. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (44)Leinana says:

    2010/07/16 at 1:29 pm

    Ah, gorgeous photos, as always! I never would have thought of combining blueberries & avocado, but your recipe sounds delicious. I’d love to try it. And I too used to hate cilantro, but now I don’t mind it so much. I don’t love it yet, but we’ve become friends :)

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (45)allyson says:

      2010/07/16 at 1:50 pm

      Ahh, so maybe I am not alone in my conversion! Good to hear that at least you two can be cordial with each other these days. ;) It took a while for me (about 26 years!), but cilantro finally won my heart. <3

  35. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (46)Mihl says:

    2010/07/16 at 1:23 pm

    Oh my god, that looks crazy! In a very good way, of course. And I never heard of someone who used to hate cilantro and changed their opinion.

    Off to show this to the bf, who also hates the stnky cilantro :D

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (47)allyson says:

      2010/07/16 at 1:46 pm

      Haha… thanks Mihl! I’m sure I am somewhat of an anomaly…? Maybe? It’s comforting to know your bf also finds it stinky- (although now, I really find it quite aromatic, in a very good way, of course!)

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (48)Elaine says:

      2010/07/17 at 2:18 pm

      Yeah, can live without the cilantro… still tastes like soap to me. It used to ruin anything it was in, now I try to remove as much as I can when it’s served in something. I guess that’s progress…

Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (2024)


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