SUPERMAN: DARK MATTER Jami Todd - know what, Smallville. CLARK I just think you’d make a good mother. LOIS - [PDF Document] (2024)



Jami Todd

Superman infiltrates the Phantom Zone to rescue his biological father. All rights reserved. Contact: [emailprotected]





A military research base on high alert.


EMIL HAMILTON, late thirties, in a white lab coat desperately taps into a keyboard, trying to shut down a portal to another dimension.

Emil stares through the portal at another world-




Colonel Rick Flag, early thirties, in uniform approaches Emil. His TEAM 7 platoon stands in uniform behind him, ready for anything.

Flag stares at the computer with wide eyes.

FLAGShut it down!

EMILI’m trying! The override isn’t working!

A platoon stands before the portal. They suddenly spot an army of-



Flying toward the gateway!

Flag raises his revolver. Shoots the portal. Emil yanks Flag’s arm down.

EMIL (CONT’D)Don’t! You’ll destroy it.

Flag ignores Emil and orders his men to-


TEAM 7 fires at the portal. Bullets ricochet. Nothing happens to the portal.

The parademons continue their charge toward them.

His gun useless, Flag bolts toward a wall where he spots an emergency ax. He yanks the ax off the wall, then charges the portal. As he raises the ax to bust the portal-

A twenty-foot parademon crosses the threshold and enters EARTH as TEAM 7 attempt to shoot it down. As TEAM 7 contend with the parademon, shooting it to its death-

FLAG lets the ax fall!


He smashes the portal before any other parademons can cross. A bolt of electricity suddenly-

Strikes him and sends him soaring back through the air.

Flag crashes against the dead parademon with a thud. He clambers to his feet, never once taking his eyes off the otherworldly creature. Dead. Or, at least, unconscious.

Emil approaches his ruined portal, shaking his head in mute disbelief. Then-

EMILWhat have you done!? What have you done!?

Flag approaches Emil, who desperately attempts to salvage his invention, picking up the pieces, trying to put it back together again.

EMIL (CONT’D)It will take months to fix this! Months!

Flag turns to face the fallen parademon.

FLAGYears would be better. Decades even. If we’re lucky... centuries.


EMILYou don’t know what you’re talking about! This is paradigm-shifting technology. A key to open doors to other worlds... other dimensions.

Flag regards the parademon, then Emil. Shakes his head.

FLAGSome doors you just don’t open.

A soldier approaches the parademon. Prods it with his rifle. No response. Again, he prods it. He turns to face FLAG.

SOLDIER 1I think it’s dead, sir. Whatever it was, it stinks.


The parademon’s eyes spring open and it-

Lurches to its feet, exposing a mouthful of needle-like teeth. Instantly-

Team 7 train their rifles on it and shoot as the parademonsmashes the soldier across the lab.

The soldier hits the concrete wall and crashes to the ground unconscious.

The parademon makes short order of Team 7, sending soldier after soldier flying through the air with vicious attacks.

Emil scrambles to a desk. Pushes a safety protocol button that locks the massive blast doors. Then-

Emil hides behind the desk as Flag battles the parademon with the ax.

The parademon smashes Flag to the ground unconscious. Then it pounds at the wall, over and over again until it-

Busts through the lab and escapes.


CLARK KENT, late twenties, sits at a table with LOIS LANE, also late twenties.

A couple walks by them with their two-year-old daughter. They sit at a table behind Lois.


The little girl stands on her seat and smiles at Clark as he sips on his milkshake.

Clark smiles back at her.

Lois smiles at Clark.

LOISThat good?

CLARKBest vanilla bean milkshake in Metropolis.

LOISYou’re lucky you got super metabolism.

The little girl sticks her tongue out at Clark. Clark sticks his tongue at her.

LOIS (CONT’D)Real nice. We that comfortable with each other now.

Clark sticks his tongue out, again. Lois turns to see the little girl behind her.

LOIS (CONT’D)Should have figured.

Lois turns to Clark.

LOIS (CONT’D)I’m waiting.

CLARKFor what?

LOISYou know what, Smallville.

CLARKI just think you’d make a good mother.

LOISThat’s exactly what I wouldn’t make. You know how I feel about kids. Even if I did want... we can’t...

The little girl makes a clown face. Clark returns her clown face.


CLARKThere are a lot of kids without parents.

LOISI don’t want kids. I told you that from the beginning.

CLARKI know. My dad felt the same.

LOISNot tonight... please...

Clark nods.

The little girl makes another clown face, so does Clark.

LOIS (CONT’D)I thought we could take some time off maybe-

Clark suddenly turns serious. Lois notices. He looks at her. She sighs.




You’ll make it up to me after you save the world.

CLARKSure thing, Lois.

Clark kisses Lois. Waves good-bye to the little girl. Dashes out of the diner.

Lois stares in the direction he left. She turns to the little girl. The little girl smiles at her. She smiles back.


A helicopter speeds toward a plume of smoke and destruction. Out of the smoke comes the-


SURGES with a terrible cry!


The helicopter’s guns fire!

The paradaemon takes the bullets, but nothing happens. It rushes toward the helicopter and-

CRASHES into it!

Sends the helicopter swirling helter-skelter toward the ground. As the ground rushes toward the helicopter-

SUPERMAN catches it in mid-air.

Superman places the helicopter safely on the ground. Then he surges into the sky after the shrieking parademon.

Before the parademon can destroy another helicopter Superman tackles the parademon. And-

They exchange blows!

The parademon tries to cleave Superman’s head off. But Superman evades every attempt.

Superman punches it. Sends it back. He charges to finish it off. But-

The parademon kicks Superman. Sends Superman-

Tumbling through the air and takes off for the city.

Superman lands on concrete.

Flag approaches and towers over him.

FLAGIt’s unstoppable, Superman. We can’t hold a thing like that. You have to kill it.

Superman gives him a look. Yeah, right.

Superman stands. Leaps to the sky. Surges through the sky after the parademon.


The parademon lands. It charges after a yellow cab. Snatches it. Lifts it. Tosses the cab at a-

Cluster of tourists. But-

Superman steps in front of the tourists and catches the cab. Then Superman lunges and punches the parademon.


The parademon tumbles through the sky.

Superman vaults into the sky. Surges toward the parademon at an incredible speed.

SUPERMANLet’s take this somewhere else!

Tackles the parademon and at super-sonic speed carries it all the way to the-


Superman smashes the parademon into a snow dune. An explosion of ice and snow powder engulfs them.

The snow powder dissipates to reveal the parademon. A walrus lumbers onto a drifting slab of ice to watch them.

The parademon shrieks its anger at Superman.

SUPERMANFeeling’s mutual.


The parademon lunges at Superman! They exchange blows for a while in front of the curious walrus.

Superman evades two blows. Strikes one solid one. The parademon charges and smashes Superman into a wall of ice. The Superman evades a crushing blow to his head. Kicks the parademon back.

The parademon moves... a little slower... toward Superman. Superman feinst left. Right. Then uppercuts the parademon so that his arcs into the air and lands in a bank of snow.

The parademon clambers to its feet. Tries to fly away. Superman snatches its ankles just before it can take to the sky. Twirls the parademon. Thrusts the parademon into yet another snowbank.

The parademon stands with difficult. It stares at his limbs and hands that are starting to freeze over with a layer of ice. But the parademon doesn’t give up.

The parademon charges Superman with an unparalleled ferocity. Superman evades. Dodges. Feints.

Soon another walrus joins the other to watch the spectacle as Superman and the parademon exchange incredible blows.


Superman then grabs the parademon by the wrist and thrusts it into the ice.


The parademon shatters the ice and goes into the freezing water. It claws its way back up. It stands. Wet, it begins to freeze over.

The parademon marches with difficulty toward Superman. The ice and cold weaken the parademon until it finally collapses.

Superman approaches the parademon. Towers over it.

SUPERMAN (CONT’D)What box did they pull you out of?


Superman drags the unconscious parademon to the entrance seemingly made of snow and ice but really, it is made out of Kryptonian crystal technology.


Superman places the parademon into a crystal chamber. Observes it. Moves to a Kryptonian keyboard. Keys in a few codes. Sends the parademon to the-


Superman watches the parademon disappear into a portal not unlike the one it came from. The portal closes.

Satisfied, Superman turns to exit the Phantom Zone chamber just as-

A Crystal Glows Red.

A disembodied digital voice warns:

CPU (V.O.)Security Alert. Attempted Breach. Security Alert. Attempted Breach.

Superman turns to the Kryptonian computer.

SUPERMANBreach... More...


CPU (V.O.)Breach attempt. Detainee 372364. VOX. Real name Vril Dox of Colulu. Breach attempt. Detainee 782636 Jor-El of Krypton.

Superman starts. Addresses his computer.

SUPERMANJor-El of Krypton? Access... Access Jor-El of Krypton.

CPU (V.O.)Jor-El of Krypton. Exiled to The Zone for high treason.

Superman swallows hard.


CPU (V.O.)Jor-El found guilty of sending a Kryptonian child and technology toward a destination unknown.

Superman stares at the crystal portal to The Zone.

CPU (V.O.)Convicted of treason, Jor-El and Lara were arrested and banished to The Zone by the elders.


The computer processes the request. Then concludes-

CPU (V.O.)Cannot locate.

SUPERMANLocate, Jor-El.

CPU (V.O.)Cannot locate.

Superman stares at the portal chamber to the Phantom Zone.


A farmhouse surrounded by golden fields of wheat.


MARTHA (V.O.)John... tell him to be reasonable.


MARTHA CLARK, late fifties, stares at someone.

MARTHATell him he can’t go.

JONATHAN KENT, early sixties, and Clark sit at the kitchen table.

JONATHANMartha... this has nothing to do with reason.

MARTHAI won’t--

JONATHANMartha, please. It’s his father.

MARTHAYou’re his father.


Martha exits.

Jonathan stares at Clark for a long, loving moment.

JONATHAN (CONT’D)A prison of Krypton’s worst criminals?

Clark nods.

Jonathan sighs twice, heavily.

JONATHAN (CONT’D)You’re more stubborn than I ever was so I won’t even try to change your mind... but...

Jonathan stops himself.

CLARKWhat, dad?


JONATHANYou’re real father risked life and freedom for you, and I think if he had to do it all over again... he would. And... if we’re anything alike... he would want you to accept his fate and live your life.

CLARKI can bring him back.

JONATHANI’m sure you could.

CLARKHe’s there because of me.

JONATHANThat’s my point.

Clark nods.

JONATHAN (CONT’D)What does Lois say?

Clark looks away.

CLARKShe’s fine with it.

JONATHANShe’s fine with it?


INTERCUT: Clark and Lois arguing.

CLARK (CONT’D)If there’s even a one percent chance, I can bring him back... I have to take it.

Jonathan smiles at his boy.

JONATHANYou’re a good, kid.

CLARKNot a kid, dad.

JONATHANYou’ll always be my kid.



Superman keys in a code into a Kryptonian computer.

LOISYour mother’s fine with this?


INTERCUT: Martha arguing with Clark just as Jonathan intervenes.

LOISKryptonians found a way to skip death and go directly to purgatory, and you’re jumping in? Clark Kent! This is a joke!

SUPERMANNot jumping, Lois. Walking.

LOISYou know what I mean? It’s filled with Krypton’s worst.

SUPERMANNot just Krypton. Other alien races as well who have attempted planetary takeovers.

LOISGreat. That makes me feel so much better.

Superman smiles at Lois.

SUPERMANDon’t look so concerned. I’ll be fine.

LOISWhat if you don’t find him?

SUPERMANI’ll find him.

Lois sighs.

LOISHow will you get back?

Superman reveals a small device that glows blue. Attaches a cord to it.


SUPERMANWith this. It will connect me to the portal.

Superman places the cord around his neck. Lois raises her eyebrows.

LOISI don’t think I’d understand even if you explain it.

SUPERMANI don’t understand it myself. What I know is it’s based on Kryptonianfrequency technology. I’ll be in another dimension with reduced powers.

LOISCould take days... weeks....

SUPERMANFor me, yes, but for you... seconds... minutes... I may not know how it works but what I do know is time slows almost to a stop in The Zone.

LOISWhat happens if you get stuck?



Right. He’s got all the answers.

SUPERMANMost of the time... he does.

Superman activates the Phantom Zone crystal chamber. Kisses Lois, long and hard.

LOISThis is crazy.

SUPERMANHe’d do it for me.

LOISHe did do it for you.

Superman nods, understanding.


LOIS (CONT’D)Bring him back, Smallville.

Superman enters the glowing chamber and disappears.

Lois stares at the blue light for a long moment.


Superman enters. Turns to find-

AMALAK, an alien, age unknown, swathed in desert clothes. He levels a make-shift gun at Superman.

AMALAKWhere are the others?

SUPERMANNo others.

AMALAKKryptonians don’t walk the desert alone. It’s foolish!

SUPERMANThis one does.

Amalak scans the area suspiciously as though expecting an ambush. Nothing.

AMALAKWho’s your king?

SUPERMANKing? I have no king.

AMALAKYou serve General Zod?


AMALAKYou are an agent of Kalmoran, the Thanagorian King?

SUPERMANI am no subject, no agent. I am a free man.

Amalak laughs outrageously, then gets serious fast.


AMALAKNo such thing here. What are you? I know. You’re an outcast, exiled from New Krypton to live with the savages.

SUPERMANIs that what you are?

AMALAKTo the Kryptonians. An outcast, yes. To the Thanagorians I am a Downsider. Not sure which name I prefer.

Superman changes the subject, not wanting to get into the politics of kingdoms that emerged within the Phantom Zone.

SUPERMANI’m searching for someone.


SUPERMANMaybe we could help each other.

Amalak scoffs at the idea.

AMALAKWork with a Kryptonian dog?

Amalak fires a bolt of plasma at Superman. Superman leaps to the air. He tries to fly but to no avail. He falls down.

AMALAK (CONT’D)What? You think you can fly? Like a bird!? HA! Leap, yes... and higher than most Kryptonians... but fly?

Amalak fires again. Superman leaps out of the way. He fires again. And again,

Superman evades the blast. But-

Tumbles down a dune.

Amalak gives chase. Approaches him with a laugh. Towers over him and points his gun at him just as-

THE ERADICATOR, a Kryptonian android, suddenly and unexpectedly grabs Amalak. Disarms him. Thrusts him to the ground. The Eradicator aims a blaster at Amalak.


Superman clambers to his feet. Hesitates. Then kicks the weapon out of the Eradicator’s hands.

The Eradicator turns on Superman. Narrows his gaze. Attacks with a robotic shriek. But is suddenly clobbered from behind with a massive boulder.

The Eradicator goes down. For now.

Amalak nods his appreciation at Superman.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Follow me before he gets up.

They dash away.


Amalak slows his pace through the ruins of the desert. Oddly, strange bones of fish, or fish like animals are scattered about signifying that the area was once part of an ocean.

SUPERMANWhat was that?

Amalak narrows his gaze on Superman.

AMALAKYou don’t know? You really aren’t from New Krypton.

Superman shakes his head.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Eradicator. Designed by Zod to cleanse the world of Thanagariansand savages. Rumor is... Thanagarians are working on their own version of the Eradicator.

Amalak laughs.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Doomsday, they call it. Supposed to wipe the entire world of Kryptonians.

His voice turns sarcastic. Stares hard at Superman.

AMALAK (CONT’D)What a shame that would be.

Superman catches this but doesn’t respond. Continues to follow Amalak.


SUPERMANCan you take me to New Krypton?

AMALAKI have other plans.

SUPERMANI’m searching for my father.

AMALAKIf your father abandoned you in the desert like so many others why would you seek him out?

SUPERMANIt’s... complicated.

AMALAKAlways is... what’s your name, Kryptonian?

Amalak regards Superman.


Amalak’s eyes widen.

AMALAKSon of Jor-El?

SUPERMANYes. You know him?

AMALAKOld friend. You can say your father helped shape my destiny. I owe him dearly. But I heard he perished. You sure he’s alive?

Superman nods.


AMALAKThen it would be an honor to help.

Amalak considers a moment.

AMALAK (CONT’D)They must be keeping Jor-El in the prison tower.


SUPERMANWhy would you say that?

AMALAKBetween us... I don’t think he has many friends here. Most don’t remember... the Zone has a way of erasing your memory... but those who do remember... they remember that your father and the Council discovered this place.

Amalak nods to himself. Mumbles to himself-

AMALAK (CONT’D)Zod must be after a way back to Krypton. Yes. That’s why he’s keeping him alive.

SUPERMANThere’s no way back.

AMALAKWhere are you from?

SUPERMANSomewhere else.

AMALAKWhat of Krypton?


Amalak suppresses a smile with difficulty.

AMALAKDestroyed? It cannot be.

SUPERMANExperiments with black matter destabilized the planet’s core.

Amalak takes a deep breath. Seems sad, but really he is on the verge of laughter.


I am sorry for your loss, son of Jor-El. Truly. It’s always tough to lose a home.

Superman stares a Amalak. Narrows his gaze. Senses something’s off.


AMALAK (CONT’D)Let’s find your father.


Their journey through the desert continues. Superman spots a massive mountain with a brightly lit city atop it.


AMALAKIf only it were. Valhlo. Use to be a penal island on Krypton until the Council made their inter-dimensional discovery.

Amalak grins.

AMALAK (CONT’D)In a blink of an eye the entire island disappeared. Exiled from Krypton.

Amalak laughs.

AMALAK (CONT’D)The inhabitants didn’t even realize what happened. Savages know the truth. We know what this place is. What it really is?

Amalak grows serious.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Zod keeps them in the dark with his education and history. Kryptoniansactually think they’re still on Krypton that has been invaded by the Thanagarians.

Amalak shakes his head.

AMALAK (CONT’D)They actually believe they are the last surviving city of Krypton. In a way they’re right. It’s kind of funny...

Amalak laughs, again. Superman gives him a look. Amalak gets serious all at once, correcting.


AMALAK (CONT’D)And sad at the same time. And sad... very sad....

They walk by the bones of a Kryptonian whale. They hear a roar and stop. Nothing. They continue walking.

SUPERMANHow do we get in?

AMALAKThat’s gonna be a challenge. The entire city is protected by an energy field to keep the Thanagarians out. Never comes down. Never.

Amalak shakes his head.

AMALAK (CONT’D)If it ever did, the Thanagarianswould invade from the sky and that would be the end of New Krypton.

Superman gives Amalak a look of concern.

AMALAK (CONT’D)There are, however, secret tunnels, made by Kara and her Outlaws. Outlaws use the tunnels to bring the truth of The Zone to citizens of New Krypton.

Amalak stops Superman. Whispers-

AMALAK (CONT’D)Most have lost their memory, or been brainwashed by Zod’s ceaseless indoctrination. They think Kara’s crazy. It’s quite the reverse, really.

Suddenly, a massive house-sized, spider-like creature emerges out of the shadows of the desert.

Amalak yanks Superman and they quickly duck behind a jagged, outcropping of rock. It lumbers by them carrying another insect in its fangs.

The prey wiggles its legs helplessly.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Another one of Zod’s failed mutations.


Superman gives Amalak a questioning look.

AMALAK (CONT’D)He messes with incomplete Kryptonian tech and science he’s managed to salvage from other prisoners. Nowhere close to the glory of Old Krypton. Just one failed creation after another.

Amalak laughs to himself.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Keeps The Zone interesting.

The failed creations disappear in the darkness. Amalak and Superman continue toward the city.

SUPERMANWhere can we find the tunnels?

AMALAKI know the location of one. It’s helped me infiltrate the city once or twice.

Superman indicates the city.

SUPERMANWhat’s there for you?

Suddenly, the sky darkens with truck-sized buzzards rushing straight for them.

AMALAKQuick! This way!

A Kryptonian buzzard swoops for Superman.

Superman leaps out of the way. Just as another buzzard snatches him. He struggles out of the talon and falls to the ground. Amalak helps him up.

They dodge several attempts to snatch them and-

Rush toward a mound of dirt and rubble.

A buzzard suddenly snatches Amalak.

Superman leaps up and gives it a right cross! Knocks it out! Both buzzard and Amalak fall to the ground. This time Superman helps Amalak up.

They continue into the safety of a cave.



A cave with Kryptonian skulls on display along the walls. Superman narrows his gaze on the skulls. Looks to Amalak for his interpretation.

AMALAKSomeone doesn’t like Kryptonians.

SUPERMANWho lives here?

AMALAKCouldn’t say. Kryptonians aren’t very liked in the Savage Lands.

SUPERMANSomeone’s hunting them for sport.

Amalak gazes at a row of skulls that stare back at him ominously.

SUPERMAN (CONT’D)In the city...

AMALAKIt would seem that way.

Amalak loses himself for a moment, then snaps out of his thoughts.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Let’s hope no one’s home. More for your sake than mine. There’s probably another way out up ahead.

Superman scans the walls in disbelief. Hundreds if not thousands of skulls.

Superman follows Amalak through the cave up a tunnel to another gaping mouth leading to the outside.

Amalak nears the mouth of the cave. Scans the sky for buzzards.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Let’s go... son of Jor-El.

Superman follows Amalak back out into the-


Superman stares at the distant city of Valhlo.


Amalak continues to lead the way. They approach thousands of poles with skeletons attached to it. Amalak indicates a skeleton and offers an explanation.

AMALAKUndesireables. Savages. And Prisoners of War. They are left outside the city for the predators.

SUPERMANThose buzzards?

AMALAKAnd many others. One theory of The Zone is it’s nothing more than a primitive planet still in formation.

Amalak shakes his head.

AMALAK (CONT’D)I don’t know about your planet, but on my own... primitive means gigantic, fierce and merciless.

SUPERMANWhy were you sent here?

Amalak stares a Superman. Shakes his head. Doesn’t answer.

AMALAKThat’s a story for another time.

They approach a Thanagarian skeleton.

AMALAK (CONT’D)If you think this is bad... you should see what the Thanagarians do to Kryptonians when they catch them alive. Quite entertaining.

Superman gives him a look. Amalak insincerely adds-

AMALAK (CONT’D)But terrible. Really terrible.

They soon come across a young Thanagarian woman in golden armor--CHAY-ARA--with her head drooped down.

Superman approaches her. Stares.

Suddenly, her head springs up and she stares directly at Superman.



Amalak pulls Superman away from her.

SUPERMANCan’t leave her here.

AMALAKSure you can. Just walk...

Superman moves to remove the metal restraints bounding her to the jagged post.


Chay-Ara stares at Superman, then Amalak, then Superman.

AMALAKA true Kryptonian would kill her. He would not show the slightest concern.

Superman ignores this. Amalak continues.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Leave her. She’d leave you.

SUPERMANI guess she’s lucky I’m not her.

AMALAKShe’s a soldier of the Thangarianguard. You free her, she’ll kill you. She won’t think twice.

SUPERMANI’m no push over, myself.

Superman grabs a rock. Hits the chain. Over and over again, until-


The chains bust!

Chay-Ara falls to the ground on her knees.

A moment later she slowly and painfully stands to face Superman.


Superman inches back, suddenly a little concerned. She reaches out to him. Grabs his hand. Squeezes it in appreciation. Nods her thanks.

Superman nods back.

Chay-Ara takes to the sky.

AMALAKNot at all what I expected. Maybe you’re both too young to remember why you’re supposed to hate each other.


Superman watches her fly away.

Amalak stands beside Superman. Watches after Chay-Ara.

AMALAKI wish I could fly, too.

Superman regards him.

AMALAK (CONT’D)But if the Thanagarians are right about their primitive planet theory... you will be able to fly... soon...

Amalak nods.

AMALAK (CONT’D)As the young blue star ages to a ripe golden yellow... so too does its power... and yours...

Amalak nods, again.

AMALAK (CONT’D)It’s why the Thanagarians are in a race against the star to conquer the Kryptonians before they enter their... I guess you can say... golden age.

Amalak sighs.

AMALAK (CONT’D)I hope they’re wrong.

Superman regards Amalak for an explanation.


AMALAK (CONT’D)That would severely tip the balance.

Amalak continues his journey. He goes to the first secret tunnel but finds it blocked with metal and a booby trapped.

AMALAK (CONT’D)I guess they found this one.

Amalak moves him to another secret tunnel. Again, blocked by the Kryptonians with boulders and busted equipment.

Amalak sighs. Leads Superman to another secret tunnel. He smiles when he sees it hasn’t been discovered.

AMALAK (CONT’D)We’re in.

The tunnel is small.

SUPERMANSo narrow.

AMALAKFor kids.

Superman inspects the tunnel.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Let’s hope we don’t get stuck and end up a feast for insects. It’s happened before.

SUPERMANAren’t there any other tunnels? Bigger?

AMALAKThere are. Escape tunnels in case New Krypton falls.


AMALAKI don’t know where they are. You first.

Superman gets on his hand and knees and makes his way into the secret tunnel.



Superman leads the way. Struggles through the darkness under the defense gates of Valho.


Superman and Amalak emerge in an alley littered with alien slave homes made of the refuse of Kryptonian citizens.

Superman stares at hundreds of impoverished alien slaves slumming about.

Each alien wears a sort of dog tag that contains an identity number. Clearly, a Kryptonian version of Apartheid for non-Kryptonians.

AMALAKOutlaws and aliens captured from the desert. Slaves.

Superman nods. They head out of the alley.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Citizens live in the upper city. Slaves, the lower. We’re good unless a guard asks for identification.

Superman walks up to a poster in a strange language. The poster feels revolutionary. Red. Bold. Aggressive.

SUPERMANI almost understand. It’s not Kryptonian.

AMALAKKrypthana. Outlaws developed their own language in the desert. Part Kryptonian. Part Thanagarian. Sprinkled with all the curse words of other aliens exiled to the Zone.

SUPERMANWhat does it say?

Amalak stares at the poster. He narrows his gaze. Enunciates the words until meaning comes to him.

AMALAKThis isn’t the real Krypton... it’s a prison...


SUPERMANThey really believe this is krypton?

AMALAKThey believe whatever their history tells them to believe.


Slaves pass Superman and Amalak.

Peddlers call out to them to sell items they’ve salvaged from Kryptonian dumpsters and/or junk yards.

They walk by an alley. Aliens are betting over two alien slaves fighting for cash.

Amalak points toward a high tower in the distance.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Zod keeps his most valued citizens--those who remember the old ways--inthe South Tower.

A Kryptonian guard in protective black and crimson armor suddenly walks down the street. Amalak grabs Supperman.

They hide in another alley.

They watch the guard walk by them without noticing them. He stops an alien. Asks for papers.

The alien pulls out papers. He inspects them. Tells the slave he can go, then continues down the street.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Sweeping for outlaws.

Amalak returns to the main street. A seven-year-old Kryptonian girl and several aliens and Thanagorians of the same age run across the street.




AMALAKWe better get going.


SUPERMANAre they going to be okay?

AMALAKWhy do you care so much?

SUPERMANThey’re kids.

AMALAKSince when does a Kryptonian care about kids?

SUPERMANThis one does.


An alarm sounds!

AMALAKToo late.

Amalak pulls Superman in between two make-shift dwellings as a legion of Kryptonian soldiers on massive dog-like creatures follow the scent of the outlaws.

AMALAK (CONT’D)They must be after the leader.

Superman comes out of the shadows. He follows the Kryptoniansoldiers.

AMALAK (CONT’D)You kidding me.

SUPERMANWhat have they done?

AMALAKWhat haven’t they?

SUPERMANWhat will they do with them?

AMALAKSome will go to camps for re-patterning. Some I imagine will be executed for crimes against New Krypton.


Executed? Kids?


AMALAKThe Zone is a prison, or have you forgotten.

SUPERMANI haven’t forgotten.

AMALAKThe real tragedy, of course, is many were born here and are unintended victims of cold, heartless Kryptonian indifference.

Blaster fire sounds ahead.

Superman runs. He witnesses a battle between several alien children and Kara against the guards.

A spherical drone suddenly swoops in. Disintegrates the melee weapons in the kids’ hands.

Kara surrenders.

AMALAK (CONT’D)First time I’ve seen one of those. VOX has been busy.

Superman gives him a questioning look.

AMALAK (CONT’D)An alien Zod captured. He’s responsible for the Eradicator, the shield and all the automa in New Krypton. The brains of this entire city.

Amalak yanks Superman away from the scene.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Nothing we can do for them now.

Ignoring Amalak, Superman leaps into the fray, grabs the spherical drone and smashes it against the wall.

Kara and her outlaws use the distraction to run.

Superman evades several attacks by massive dog-like creatures and blaster fire.

Amalak hides in the shadows.

Superman follows Kara to a-



Superman bounds away. Kara dashes into an underground club.


Superman enters. Alien slaves drinking their memories away. He sees Kara run off to the back. He follows her. Enters the-



Superman scans the room but finds nothing. Kara disappeared. The alien bar owner enters.

BAR OWNERGet out of here. No one’s supposed to be back here.

The owner ZAPS Superman with a blaster rod and tosses him into-


Superman tumbles into the gutter.

An alien--LOBO--approaches him.

LOBOHey buddy. You okay?


LOBOGive me your credits.

SUPERMANDon’t have credits.

LOBOThat’s too bad.

Lobo punches him in the belly and steals his LOCATOR. Gets on something like a motorbike and accelerates away.

Superman stands and bolts after him. But he’s not fast enoughto catch the rogue outlaw. As he catches his breath, he hears someone step up to him-

AMALAKThat’s what you get for trying to help.


SUPERMANHe stole something.

AMALAKI don’t think you’re ever going to see it again. Was it important?

Superman nods.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Maybe next time you’ll let things be.

Superman doesn’t respond.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Let’s go.

Superman nods. Follows Amalak out of the alley.


A heavily guarded complex. Armored Kryptonian guards move about the area.

AMALAKWe need security clearance.

Amalak points to three guards patrolling the perimeter.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Over there.

Superman leads the way. He approaches one guard. Knocks him out. Turns to see Amalak about to drive his knife into the other guard.

Quickly, Superman thrusts a stone, knocking the knife out of Amalak’s hand. The guard turns. Goes to shoot. Quickly-

Superman knocks him out with a punch!

Amalak inches up to Superman, fuming.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Your misplaced morality nearly got me killed.

Superman shakes his head. Approaches the fallen guard.



Superman and Amalak, dressed in Kryptonian armor walk through the automated entrance without attracting attention.


Superman and Amalak approach the stairwell.


They walk by several labs where alien scientists advance Zod’s technology.

SUPERMANWhat is this place?

AMALAKOn Krypton... I believe it was the Tower of Science. A collection of prisoners working for Zod’s army.

SUPERMANAll of them... condemned by...

AMALAKThe Council of Krypton. Yes.

They enter another stairwell.


They pass laboratories filled with Kryptonian crystal technology.


They walk by prison cells of Thanagarian prisoners. Superman gives Amalak a questioning look.

SUPERMANWe should help them.

AMALAKCan’t save everyone son of Jor-El. Open a cell... alarms go off.

Superman nods his understanding.


A Kryptonian guard exits a room and spots Superman and Amalak from behind.


GUARDYou two! This is a restricted area.

He points the gun at Superman’s back.

Superman turns to face the guard. Amalak, too. Seeing Amalak the guard’s eyes widen in alarm.


Superman pulls the gun out of his hands, and Amalak quickly knocks him out with a left cross.

Superman instinctively grabs Amalak’s shoulder.

Amalak shrugs him off.

AMALAKDon’t worry, son of Jor-El. Counter to my better judgment he’s still breathing.


Massive chimerical creatures in glass cells.

AMALAK (CONT’D)I’d love to turn one of these lose in the city.

Superman gives him a look.

AMALAK (CONT’D)I mean... free it...

Superman continues to the next stairwell.


Labs with failed versions of Phantom Zone projectors. Against the wall are carbon statues of famous Kryptonian creators and scientists. Amalak stares at one of them.

AMALAK (CONT’D)(Sotto voce)

So that’s what happened to you.

Superman gives him a questioning look.

Amalak turns to Superman.


AMALAK (CONT’D)I heard a rumor. The Council of Science fled to The Zone for their lives.

Amalak mumbles.

AMALAK (CONT’D)I thought they were escaping scientific persecution.

Amalak shakes his head.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Now I know the truth. They were escaping the destruction of their planet. How very ironic.

SUPERMANWhy would you say that?

AMALAKIt’s a known fact that their decisions had led to the destruction of entire worlds.

SUPERMANMistakes were made.

Amalak laughs aloud at this understatement.

AMALAKYes, indeed. Mistakes were made.

Amalak returns his gaze to the statues.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Seems to me Zod’s making trophies out of council members.

Amalak turns to Superman.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Unless your father has found a way to make himself useful... my guess he suffered a similar end.

Superman focuses. He can hear a slow, yet audible heartbeat.

SUPERMANThey’re not dead.



Superman inspects the carbonite statues searching for his father.

SUPERMANCarbonite. A form of suspended animation. I know the technology.


Superman nods. He sees a dimly lit laboratory down the hall. He approaches and enters-


Superman approaches a chamber much like the one in his Fortress of Solitude. At a table-

Jor-El sleeps. A metal bracelet around his ankle prevents him from leaving the laboratory. Locks the doors as he approaches them.

Superman inches behind him. Stares. Amalak steps back in the shadows. Lowers his head.


Jor-El wakes with a start. Looks at the chamber he’s building. Shakes his head as though he had dreamed the voice he just heard.


Jor-El turns to face Superman.

Amalak inches back.

Jor-El snaps to his feet. Stares at his son. Narrows his gaze for a long dramatic moment.

JOR-ELKal... Kal-El?

Superman nods.

Jor-El steps closer to Superman. He closes his eyes and opens them again. When he realizes his son is really there in front of him, his eyes instantly water and he embraces him. Then-

Jor-El steps back and stares at him with concern.


JOR-EL (CONT’D)You shouldn’t be here.


Jor-El shakes his head, disapprovingly.

JOR-ELYou shouldn’t have come.

Amalak steps out of the shadows. A blaster levelled at both of them.

AMALAKHe’s right you know.

Jor-El turns to face Amalak.


AMALAKGot to say your son isn’t like most Kryptonians. It’s a shame he has to pay because of your crimes.

SUPERMANWhy are you doing this?

AMALAKOh... it’s... it’s complicated... let’s just say those... how did you put it?

Amalak pauses.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Ah, yes... mistakes... those MISTAKES... cost me everything.

JOR-ELYou destroyed your own planet. Poisoned your own water.

AMALAKWe had a plan.

JOR-ELWe could not let you rob another planet of its resources.


AMALAKInsignificant primates that had not even discovered space travel.

JOR-ELDoesn’t matter. There was no mistake, and my only regret was we could not help you restore the natural riches of your planet.

Jor-El’s tone grows somber.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)We suffered a similar fate.

AMALAKYes. I heard.

With dawning realization-

SUPERMANThat was your cave. You’re the killer of Kryptonians.

Amalak addresses Jor-El.

AMALAKHe’s smart, your son.

JOR-ELPlease... he had nothing to do with our decision.

AMALAKYou’ll know what it’s like to lose your son.


Jor-El attacks Amalak. Kicks the gun out of Amalak’s hands. A fight ensues.

Jor-El pulls Superman into the corridor. They hide behind a desk. Alarms sound.

Amalak searches for them, then begins to bust the statues with the butt of his blaster.

Superman scrunches his fist with each one. He goes to stop him. Jor-El stops him. Superman hesitates, then jumps up regardless.

A battle ensues. Amalak knocks out Superman. Goes to kill him. Jor-El thrusts him away. They exchange blows.


Amalak gets the better of Jor-El.

ZODWe’ve finally got the Butcher of Kandor!

AMALAKThis isn’t Kandor! Nor is this Krypton!

Amalak stares at Superman.

AMALAK (CONT’D)Tell them!

Zod regards his guards.

ZODConspiracy theorists. Sure. We’re in a Zero Field Dimension on an infant planet in a primitive star system.

The guards laugh at the absurdity.

AMALAKThis isn’t over.

Zod approaches Amalak.

ZODFor you... it is.

Zod smiles. Turns to his guards.

ZOD (CONT’D)Take him away.

The guards shackle and lead Amalak away. The whole while Amalak stares down Jor-El. Zod approaches Superman.

ZOD (CONT’D)Who is he?



Looks at Jor-El, then Superman.

ZOD (CONT’D)It cannot be.


Zod nods.

ZOD (CONT’D)Kal-El? Little Kal-El.

Zod smiles at Jor-El.

ZOD (CONT’D)He looks more like his mother. Especially the eyes. Stubborn.

Zod turns to Jor-El.

ZOD (CONT’D)You never did tell me where you sent him.

Zod shakes his head at Jor-El.

ZOD (CONT’D)It’s amazing that he survived. What a father would not do for his son...

Zod inches up to Jor-El.

ZOD (CONT’D)Now what you will do... is give me a working projector.

JOR-ELI’m trying.

ZODNot hard enough.

Zod regards Superman.

ZOD (CONT’D)Where’s your locator?

SUPERMANIt was stolen.


Zod observes his face to see if he’s lying. Then-

ZOD (CONT’D)No matter. Your father will get you out of here. Won’t he?

Jor-El nods.



ZODI’ll leave you two. Build my projector or I throw your son into the pit. Understood?

Jor-El nods, again.


Zod exits.

The two security drones hover around Jor-El and Superman.

SUPERMANYou’re building him a way out?

Jor-El shakes his head.

JOR-ELI can’t. I don’t remember the frequencies. A mistake could send us all to a darker dimension than this one.

SUPERMANHow many dimensions are there?

JOR-ELMore than there are planets with intelligent life.


JOR-ELTrillions. To be more precise, 2. At least according to the Council of Science, each with a star at a different stage of evolution.

Almost to himself-

SUPERMANThat’s why you chose Earth.

Jor-El nods.

Superman approaches Jor-El.


JOR-ELYes. I wanted you to grow up like the Kryptonians of the Golden Age.

Jor-El sighs.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)I wanted to give you all the advantages and strengths of your biology.

SUPERMANWhat does Zod want?

JOR-ELWhat do all tyrants want? Ultimate power. The power to create new worlds. New dimensions.

SUPERMANIs it possible?

Jor-El shrugs.

JOR-ELI’m not sure. What I know is there are other dimensions that observe laws completely foreign to Kryptonian science.

Jor-El’s tone grows serious.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Dimensions ruled by dark energy. Dimensions and lifeforms we had just begun to discover with the projector.

Jor-El sighs.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Places like the PHANTOM ZONE where life-forms that shouldn’t exist... exist. There are dimensions even darker than The Zone.

Jor-El nods.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Dimensions and energy that a warlord like Zod should never have access to.

Superman scans the lab. Then asks-


SUPERMANHow are we getting out of here?

JOR-ELWe’re not. Not unless you can fly.

Superman shakes his head.


JOR-ELBut your new home?

Superman nods.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)That must be something. I’ve only read about it.

Superman smirks.


TALA-ZOD walks in holding her baby boy.



TALA-ZODHe’s your son.

Jor-El nods.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)Where you from?


TALA-ZODEarth... is the water good on Earth?

Superman nods.


Superman nods again.


TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)The star?


Tala-Zod smiles.

TALA-ZODWhat of the people?

Superman hesitates. Then-

SUPERMANGood people.

TALA-ZODYou must be like a god.

SUPERMANI keep a low profile.

Tala-Zod smiles.

TALA-ZODComing here... doesn’t feel like a wise decision backed by probability.

SUPERMANI didn’t think about it.

TALA-ZODYou didn’t?

Superman shakes his head.

Tala-Zod’s smile grows.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)You just... took a chance...

SUPERMANSomething like that.

TALA-ZODYou know he was sentenced here because he committed high treason by sending not only you but Kryptonian technology to another planet.

Superman nods.


TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)I don’t know how he could send you with such a low probability of survival or ever knowing what would have become of you.

Tala-Zod peers at Superman.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)I guess, he too, took a chance.

SUPERMANLike father, like son.

Tala-Zod nods.

TALA-ZODYes. Indeed. Like father, like son. I must go. I just wanted to confirm it was you, son of Jor-El.

Tala-Zod turns and exits with her entourage.

JOR-ELTry not to upset her. Doesn’t seem like it... but she’s more cruel and merciless than the general.

Superman nods.


Superman scans the tower for a way out. He tries to break through the door to the stairwell, but it doesn’t budge.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Kal, this is a prison. Lights are red star energy. Designed by VOX of Colu to hold Kryptonians. We’re not getting out of here.



SUPERMANMaybe he could help us.

JOR-ELHmm... I’d say he despises us just a little more than Amalak for reasons I can’t remember.


SUPERMANIf we help him out...

Superman looks up to the drone.

SUPERMAN (CONT’D)He created these?

Jor-El nods.

JOR-ELHe’s responsible for all Automa in New Krypton.

Superman looks at the drone. Addresses it.

SUPERMANTell me how to get out of here, and I’ll come get you.

JOR-ELYou’re wasting your time.

SUPERMANYou can stay here, a puppet of Zod, or escape with us. I’ll get you out if you get us out.

JOR-ELWaste of time.

Superman stares at the drone for a while. He gives up and steps away.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)It’s gonna have to be another way.

Superman looks out the window at New Krypton.

SUPERMANWe could detonate the projector. Create a breach in the wall.

JOR-ELThen what?

SUPERMANLeap down.

JOR-ELOur cells wouldn’t be replenished.

SUPERMANWe can’t stay here.


JOR-ELIt might work.

Jor-El and Superman haul a projector near the wall.

DRONEWhat are you doing?

JOR-ELExperiment. For the General...


Jor-El rigs the projector.

JOR-ELStand back.


The drones go down!

A massive breach in the wall. But they are fourteen stories high!

SUPERMANGet on my back.

Jor-El shakes his head.

JOR-ELYou on mine.

SUPERMANMy cells have been exposed as long as you.

JOR-ELI didn’t go through all this to lose you here.

Superman nods. Gets on his father’s back.

Jor-El steps into the breach and-


They’re both hit by blaster fire.


Superman regains consciousness to face Zod.


A guard lifts Jor-El.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Failed attempt to open a portal. That’s all it was.

Zod shakes his head at Jor-El.

ZODPut him down.

Zod approaches Jor-El.

ZOD (CONT’D)That’s your last failed attempt.


Hovering robots seal the breach with a kind of magma as Zod exits with several guards.

One robot turns to Superman. Stares at him for a long moment.

ROBOTFollow me if you want to escape.

Jor-El and Superman give each other a look. They follow the robot through the hallway and out the door.


They follow the robot to-


They follow the robot to a small glass cell where they see a green, humanoid Coluan. Vox of planet Colu.

Vox very quickly types into a datapad. And-

ROBOT (CONT’D)Red rays have been deactivated.

Superman looks at the robot, then Vox. Vox nods. Superman feels some of his strength returning. He slams the door. Again. And again. Then Jor-El syncs a punch and-



Vox stands.


VOXDon’t worry. Alarms won’t sound. I’ve deactivated them. We haven’t much time before Zod realizes they’re off-line.

Vox takes the lead.

SUPERMANYou know where you’re going.

VOXI designed this place. I designed the entire city for that matter.

Jor-El and Superman give each other a look as they follow Vox.


They reach the-


Doors open.

Jor-El, Superman and Vox exit the tower. They rush into the shadows. Suddenly-

Bright flood lights illuminate them.

Superman squints to see General Zod and Tala-Zod and a dozen guards blocking their way.

ZODI must say, Vox, I am disappointed.

Zod turns to Jor-El.

ZOD (CONT’D)Thank you, Jor-El for helping me confirm my suspicions.

Zod smiles at Jor-El.

Vox glares at Jor-El and Superman.

ZOD (CONT’D)As agreed, you will have more prisoner privileges for showing me the Coluan could not be trusted.

Vox’s eyes grow darker.


JOR-ELI did no such thing.

ZODTake them back to their prisons.

The guards grab Superman and Jor-El.

Zod turns to Vox.

ZOD (CONT’D)I give you trust, and you abuse it...

Zod sighs.

ZOD (CONT’D)You will suffer.

Zod turns to his guards.

ZOD (CONT’D)Bring him to the chamber.

VOXNo! Please...

Guards escort him away as other guards push Superman and Jor-El into the Southern Tower.


Superman and Jor-El sit on the floor. Jor-El stares at Superman.

JOR-ELI wish Lara could see you.

SUPERMANWhere is she?



JOR-ELNo. She died here.

A moment.


JOR-EL (CONT’D)She refused to give up the outlaws.

Jor-El loses himself for a moment. Then-

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Zod tortured her for days until finally, he realized she was making him look ineffective and weak.

Jor-El sighs.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)He threw her in the pit.

Jor-El shakes his head.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)She didn’t stand a chance.

SUPERMANWhat was she like?



JOR-ELOh, yeah. Beautiful. Intelligent. Stubborn. One of the best scientists and leaders I’ve ever known.

Jor-El stares at Superman.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)She gathered the children of the Council of Science and formed a group dedicated to bringing truth to The Zone.

Jor-El looks away, then turns back to Superman.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Now my brother’s daughter, Kara, leads in her stead.

SUPERMANMy cousin?

Jor-El nods.


JOR-ELThat’s right.

Superman reflects on this.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)You have a wife back home?


JOR-ELWhat’s she like?




SUPERMAN (CONT’D)Beautiful. Intelligent. One of the best warriors with a pen I know, always fighting for truth, justice, and freedom from oppression.

JOR-ELI like her already.

SUPERMANYou’ll meet her soon.

JOR-ELThat would be nice.

SUPERMANYou’ll meet my parents, too.

Jor-El stares at Superman.

JOR-ELI feel I already know them. What are their names?

SUPERMANMartha Clark. Jonathan Kent.

JOR-ELClark Kent. You carry both their names.


Superman nods.


Jor-El smiles. So does Superman.

JOR-ELWhen you see them... tell them... thank you...


JOR-ELThey’ll understand.

SUPERMANYou’ll tell them yourself.

JOR-ELThat would be nice.


Jor-El works on the projector.

Tests it. Nothing happens. Then he begins to tinker with the tech and tries again. Again, nothing. Barely gets any reaction in the portal chamber.

Superman approaches him.

SUPERMANWhat’s in the pit?

Jor-El turns to face Superman.

JOR-ELI’m not sure. Something that was here way before we were.

Jor-El tinkers with the projector, then continues.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Zod’s army captured it. He feeds it traitors and Thanagarians for entertainment.

SUPERMANDoes it have a weakness?

Jor-El thinks, sighs. Shakes his head.


JOR-ELNot that I know of.

SUPERMANAre there others like it?

JOR-ELNot that I know of.

Jor-El stares at Superman.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of here.

SUPERMANI’m not worried.

JOR-ELI see that.

SUPERMANTrying to think ahead.

JOR-ELLike, Lara.

Superman grins.

SUPERMANIt’s too bad you couldn’t send Zod somewhere he couldn’t hurt anyone.

Jor-El looks up to Superman as though he might be on to something. He turns back to the projector. Tinkers.


General Zod enters. Strides up to the projector. Jor-El stands and straightens to meet him.


JOR-ELI think I may have done it.

ZODYou do?

Jor-El nods.

ZOD (CONT’D)Show me.


Jor-El whispers in Superman’s ear.

JOR-ELStep back.

Superman contorts his face. Then understands. Takes a step back.

Zod and Jor-El exchange a long look.

Jor-El activates the projector and-

Leaps back and holds on to a railing as-


SWALLOWS all of Zod’s guards.

Zod grabs onto Jor-El’s leg.



The projector explodes. The black hole closes. Tala-Zod holds a blaster.

Zod snaps to his feet. Grabs Jor-El by the neck. Lifts Jor-El off the ground.

Superman goes to help his father, but Tala-Zod places the blaster in his face.

ZODToo easy.

Zod thrusts Jor-El.

Jor-El hits the ground with a thud. Superman rushes to his aid.

ZOD (CONT’D)You’ll regret this.

Zod and Tala-Zod exit.


Superman and Jor-El, bound by chains against a stone wall in almost complete darkness. The dungeon door opens. Fire light spills inside. Tala-Zod enters.


TALA-ZODI’m a queen here. A sovereign. But I unlike most know the truth of this world.

Tala-Zod sighs.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)I am a queen of a prison filled with prisoners of war of every possible assortment united in one single goal. To erase the existence of all Kryptonians.

Tala-Zod sighs, again.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)I sometimes wonder if we were really that bad.

Jor-El meets her cold gaze. Yes. We we’re.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)Eventually, they will find a way into New Krypton, and none of us will be spared.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)If the fool, my husband, kills the Coluan, it will happen sooner rather than later.

She sighs deeply.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)None of us know the intricacies of the defense system Vox created for us.

Tala-Zod sighs. Inches closer to Jor-El.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)You never had the intention of building a working projector. You’d rather die here, then let us leave.

Jor-El doesn’t respond.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)Some of us don’t deserve to be here.


JOR-ELYou have more blood on your hands than your husband.

TALA-ZODThe whole world is against us.

JOR-ELIncluding me.

Tala-Zod sighs.

TALA-ZODI wish that weren’t so. I could change my husband’s mind.

JOR-ELThere isn’t a shred of good in you or your family. You’re wired for war.

Tala-Zod nods.



TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)He’ll make you watch your son die. Then it will be your turn.

Jor-El stares at Superman, then Tala-Zod.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)I always had respect for what you did. Take these.

Tala-Zod places a vile of blue liquid in his pocket.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)You will die fast. No pain.

She walks over to Superman. She places one under Superman’s collar.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)Take it right away. You’ll just close your eyes and fall asleep before the MORGA devours you.

Guards suddenly storm inside the cell behind Tala-Zod.



Guards push Superman into-


Superman hits the ground. Stands on weak legs. Looks up. Hundreds of New Krypton’s elite sit around a pit almost like a theatre.

Superman then stares at a metal gate preventing some unseen creature from attacking him.

ZODFor an attempt on my life, I sentence you, Kal-El to the pit.

ZOD (CONT’D)You’ll be happy to know Tala has pleaded your case and you will not be joining your son. You’re too important.

Tala-Zod smiles at Jor-El.

ZOD (CONT’D)Raise the gate.

The gate in the pit begins to rise.

Jor-El closes his eyes.

Superman takes a deep breath as he watches the gate rises. They rise all the way. He stares at something in his hand.

The poison.

He stares at the gates and sees-



Then suddenly-

A screeching roar with a strange echoing reverb! As though there were a thousand creatures hiding in the shadows waiting to pounce!

Within moments-


A large purple, giant, octopus-like creature with no eyes but multiple mouths and tentacles with spikes and mouths on each tentacle comes charging out.


Jor-El pushes away from the guards and-

Jumps into the pit!

TALA-ZODGet him!

Guards look to Zod.

ZODLeave him!

JOR-ELNo one’s ever beaten it alone. Together... we may have a chance.

The MORGA attacks.

They evade every attack and with every attack the crowd goes wild and roars with pleasure. No one has lasted this long.

Jor-El throws a rock at it.

It senses and snatches the rock and eats it. Superman throws a stick with the same result.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)I have an idea.

Jor-El takes off his shirt.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Give me the vile.

Superman hands it to Jor-El. Jor-El takes his vile and Superman’s and-

Wraps the poison in his shirt. He tries to toss it into one of its mouths but misses.

Superman rushes for the shirt. But the Morga slams a tentacle into him. Goes to rip him apart. But-

Jor-El slams a boulder against the tentacle. Another tentacle grabs Jor-El and slams him against a wall.

Before Superman can stand there are two tentacles on him, trying to rip him apart.


Jor-El crawls desperately. Grabs the shirt. Then approaches Superman. He slams the tentacle again. The tentacle releases Superman. Snatches Jor-El.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Open wide!

The Morga goes to swallow Jor-El. Jor-El tosses the shirt. A snapping mouth consumes it. Superman then grabs the tentacle holding Jor-El preventing the Morga from consuming Jor-El.

Zod laughs uproariously.

Superman frees Jor-El. Jor-El falls to the ground. They evade the Morga’s every attack. Soon-

Morga grows sluggish with every attack until-

It can barely lift a tentacle.

Superman takes over.

Pounds the MORGA into unconsciousness without killing it.

Zod’s laughter dies abruptly. Mingled disbelief and humiliation settles in.

The roar of the crowd dies instantly.

Kal-El and Jor-El look up to Zod and the crowd-


Zod screams his frustration!


Superman and Jor-El, shackled to the wall.

JOR-ELThere’s no hope.


JOR-ELWe did.

SUPERMANThere’s always hope. Always.

Jor-El stares at Superman with a strange admiration. He couldn’t be more proud as a father.


JOR-ELThis something you learn on Earth? It’s certainly not a Kryptonianoutlook.

Superman smirks.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)I’ll admit. I prefer it to Kryptonian pessimism.

Jor-El shakes his head.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)But I am Kryptonian and the truth is... probability is against us.

SUPERMANBut it’s not as low as my surviving the trip from Krypton to Earth.

Jor-El nods in agreement.

JOR-ELThis is true.

Jor-El considers, then-

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Or finding the parents who would turn you into the man you are today.

Jor-El nods to himself. Then-

JOR-EL (CONT’D)There were infinite outcomes... and the one I got was the one I... hoped for.


JOR-ELYes. Hope.

SUPERMANPowerful thing.

Jor-El nods.

JOR-ELI’m starting to think so.


SUPERMANThere are things beyond science and probability.

Jor-El raises skeptical eyebrows.

SUPERMAN (CONT’D)Inexplicable things.

JOR-ELYes. Maybe the outlaws will spring us free.

They stare at the silhouette of a guard at the door of their dungeon. Nothing happens.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)I hope the outlaws spring us free.

A dramatic moment.


Jor-El sighs. Shakes his head. Then suddenly-


The guard collapses to the ground.

Jor-El and Superman exchange an incredulous look. A long dramatic moment as they wait, staring at the door, waiting to see who has come to free them.

The bolts unlock.

The door opens to reveal-

Tala-Zod, holding her baby. She approaches Jor-El and Superman. She stares at them for a long moment.

TALA-ZODI know you will never help my husband no matter what he does to you or your son.

A silence.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)I also know... you must have a way out of here....

Jor-El doesn’t answer.


TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)You don’t have to tell me. I don’t care where or how...

She looks down at her boy, then up at Jor-El.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)Just give him a chance.

She indicates her son in her arms.

The baby smiles at Superman.

JOR-ELI don’t understand.

TALA-ZODNo! You DO understand.

A silence.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)Just because he was born in a prison doesn’t mean he deserves to live in one.

JOR-ELYou’ll never see him again.

Tala-Zod approaches Superman.

TALA-ZODHe’ll grow up in a world with a golden star and a good father.

Tala-Zod nods approvingly.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)A father who risked everything to save his own father though he knew nothing about him.

She turns to Jor-El. Nods with tears in her eyes.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)I can accept those terms.

JOR-ELZod will make you--

TALA-ZODI don’t care! Free my son.


Superman looks at the boy, looks at Tala-Zod. Nods in agreement.

Tala-Zod meets his gaze. Then she fires her blaster. Moments later the shackles fall with a clank.


Tala-Zod exits.

They follow her to an-


They charge down the escape tunnel and are suddenly stopped by a drone. Tala-Zod aims at it and shoots it down.

They continue on until they reach a heavy, metal door. Beside it is an electronic device.

Tala-Zod keys a code.

Doesn’t work.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)He changed the code!

Tala-Zod considers a moment. She looks at Superman and Jor-El.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)There’s another way.


The sound of energy generators hard at work creating a protective energy field around New Krypton.

TALA-ZODTake him.

Superman takes the baby.

Tala-Zod indicates the building.

TALA-ZOD (CONT’D)Once I destroy the energy gate... you won’t have much time before the Thanagarians invade.

Jor-El stares at the adobe and shakes his head.


JOR-ELYou can’t go in there.

Tala-Zod regards him.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)The energy alone will kill you.

TALA-ZODIf I should be so lucky...

She kisses her son. Stares at him for a long moment. Their last moment together.

INTERCUT: Jor-El and Lara placing Superman baby in a birthing matrix.

Tala-Zod gives her baby one last look, then surges into the adobe without fear or hesitation.

Jor-El and Superman stare at her through the open door with mute disbelief. Charges of energy blast her as she approaches the massive spherical generator like a mini red sun.

She smashes it.

The energy snaps and whips and attacks her.


New Krypton goes dark.

Tala-Zod falls.

Jor-El sighs deeply. Addresses Superman.

JOR-ELLet’s go... fast... or all is for nothing...

Jor-El and Superman bullet toward the gate as Kryptonianemergency klaxons sound throughout the city.

Everyone panics, runs every which way, helter-skelter.

Jor-El and Superman dash to the exit.

General Zod suddenly appears.


Superman stops. Turns to face General Zod. An army of Kryptonian guards behind him.


ZOD (CONT’D)My son!

A guard lifts a blaster to shoot. Zod shoots the guard before he can fire on Superman and his boy.

ZOD (CONT’D)Put your weapons down.

A moment.

General Zod stares at Superman.

ZOD (CONT’D)Give me my son!

Another moment.

ZOD (CONT’D)Please...

The sound of a thousand wings beating in the sky grows steadily. An unseen approaching Thanagarian army!

Zod looks up to the horizon. Everyone does. An instant later-


From both the Kryptonian and Thanagarian armies.

The Thangarians swoop, lift Kryptonians off the ground. The invasion begins!

Through the melee, despite the chaos ZOD focuses on Superman.

General Zod ducks and dodges and takes out anyone in his way of him and his son. Even his own men.

Superman dodges attacks as well from both Thanagarians and Kryptonians. Each time he looks down to his arms he sees-

The baby smiling up at him.

Superman dodges an attack.

A Thanagarian goes to attack Superman from above.

ZOD saves Superman, shooting the Thanagarian out of the sky.

Zod approaches just as three Thanagarians swoop on top of him from above. Zod battles them as-

Superman gets distance!


Zod breaks free, killing with an unparalleled fury, the THREE Thanagarians! Just as FIVE Thanagarians overwhelm him. Zod screams as loud as he can-


JOR-ELQuick! Quick!

Jor-El and Superman distance themselves from the great battle surging behind them. Behind them-

New Krypton Falls.

Their run turns into a quick march as they maneuver through the dead enemies of Krypton tied to massive poles.


They approach an alien on a pole, exhausted, half-dead-


Amalak looks at them both in disgust. He spits on Jor-El. Amalak barely manages though his agony-

AMALAKFilthy Kryptonians!

Superman gives his father a look.

Jor-El wipes his face. Then-

Frees Amalak.

Amalak falls to the ground. Rises painfully to watch Jor-El and Superman and the baby disappear in the darkness.

Amalak stares after them a long time.


Through the desert, Superman walks holding the baby. Every now and then he looks down at the now sleeping baby, looking terribly concerned.

JOR-ELHe okay?

Superman nods.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)You okay?


Superman swallows.

SUPERMANNot ready to be a father.

JOR-ELNo one ever is.

SUPERMANLois is going to kill me.

JOR-ELThere’s a very good probability she won’t.

Superman smirks.

SUPERMANYou’ll understand when you meet her.

JOR-ELYou know the Kryptonian definition for a parent is. A selfless, guardian and protector of a world.

Superman absorbs this.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)Looks like you’re official a guardian and protector of an entire world... a hero...

SUPERMANI’m scared... real scared...

JOR-ELYou should be.

They both share a laugh.


Superman and Jor-El approach a rocky outcropping.

Jor-El leads Superman to a cave.


Jor-El leads Superman down to his secret lair with make-shift science contraptions everywhere.

A monkey-



Suddenly screams and joins them!

JOR-ELAn old friend. Koko.

Koko jumps on Superman’s shoulder and stares at the baby.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)He takes care of things while I’m away.

SUPERMANThis is where you live?

Jor-El nods.

JOR-ELI’ve been working on a projector since I was exiled. Just before Zod captured me in the desert...

Jor-El leads him to his lair.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)I had a breakthrough and had found the extra-dimensional location of your projector.

Jor-El pauses.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)I made an attempt to find you... but the power cut... now I know how to adjust the power source.

Superman follows him to his chamber.

Jor-El keys in a few things in something like datapad. Suddenly-

Koko starts screeching and panicking.

Jor-El stares at a monitor.

Outside, Zod and a small army infiltrate his lair. They march toward them. Jor-El watches this on the monitor.


Jor-El swallows a lump in his throat. He makes a decision.


SUPERMANDo we have enough time?

JOR-ELYes. Get in the chamber.


Jor-El guides Superman and the baby to the chamber.


JOR-ELNo time to debate.

SUPERMANI’m not going to leave you.

Jor-El regards the baby in Superman’s hands.

JOR-ELYou’re not deciding for yourself anymore.

Jor-El increases the power. He stares at his son as the portal opens. The sound of Zod’s approaching army rises menacingly.

JOR-EL (CONT’D)You are everything I ever hoped for... and more...


Superman disappears.

Zod’s army enter.

Jor-El tinkers with the projector. Keys in a new set of coordinates to get Zod off his son’s trail. Then Jor-El considers a moment.

Jor-El decides! He grabs a club and breaks the technology as a black hole vacuums them all to another dimension, a lower dimension-




Lois stares at her watch. 52 seconds have gone by. She watches Superman reappear.

LOISDid it work? It hasn’t even been...a... minute... what... that’s... not.... your... father...

Her eyes suddenly widen at the baby in his hands. Her mouth opens. They just stare at each other.

LOIS (CONT’D)Clark...

Another moment as Lois stares at the baby. Then Lois extends her hands to Superman, to the baby.

Superman places the baby into her arms. She gives the baby a long, loving, compassionate look.

LOIS (CONT’D)He’s beautiful.

Superman nods.

The baby smiles at him.

LOIS (CONT’D)You see that.

Superman nods, again.

The baby reaches out for her. Lois taps his little nose.

The baby laughs.

LOIS (CONT’D)Where are his parents?

Superman raises his eyebrows. Hesitates. Doesn’t know what to say. Raises his eyebrows higher. Actually, You’re looking at them!


Dawning realization!

LOIS (CONT’D)Clark Kent!


The baby wraps his hand around her finger. Lois stares down at him. Then-

Superman wraps a protective hand over their hands.

Lois and Superman exchange a silent look. She then turns her gaze back to the baby’s.


Her heart melts...

...Much like one Martha Clark and Jonathan Kent many years ago when life decided they were ready to become guardians and protectors of an entire world.



The first installment in the PHANTAMVERSE. Superman: Dark Matter, Phantamverse (C) Jami Todd 2011-2016. All rights reserved. Superman: Dark Matter is an animation trilogy inspired by Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel’s Superman. "Superman: Dark Matter" and “The Phantamverse” is neither endorsed nor affiliated with DC Entertainment, Diane Nelson, Dan Didio, Geoff Johns, Jim Lee, Pat Mccallum, Sam Register, or Bruce Timm. Questions, queries, comments: [emailprotected]


SUPERMAN: DARK MATTER Jami Todd - know what, Smallville. CLARK I just think you’d make a good mother. LOIS - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.