Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (2024)

Here we go again with the revengeful adventures of Jane Wicker. She's already faced down the Neon City gangs and the terrifying many-colored cadre, wherein she was...
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (10) Confronting the many red-themed minions of the mysterious Man in the Red Satin Suit
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (11) Racing atop trains and reading odd billboards to track down the Bloke in the Blue Bowler
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (12) Entering a prison to find the Lady in the Green Gown only to face defeat!
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (13) Failing to even locate the car-crazy Vamp in the Violet Veil
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (14) Going back to square one to take revenge on the Gentleman with the Golden Glasses

As we are now ten games in, I once more add five new random-suited cards to the deck:

And now ... CHAPTER 3

The cadre tracked down, Jane learns they have already handed over grandma to the dread masters funding their criminal exploits, a mysterious cult known only as the Acolytes of the Abyss, who believe she has unwittingly been infused with the soul of their dread god. Apparently, Wickers Baskets was built on a site where two of their powerful ley lines converged, not that Jane cares about this. She is out to take down this cult once and for all and make sure they do not sacrifice grandma.

EPISODE 11: On the Trail of the Cult
Jane is out seeking any evidence of an important cult figure… armed only with a statuette of the Abyssal Archon she took from the unconscious form of the Gentleman.

Spoiler (click to reveal)

As before, just going to track the progress through stages, noting the new discoveries with underlining

Neon-drenched Sewers 1. Expired Pills

High-Speed Highway 2. Acolyte on a motorbike SKULL! BURST SKULL
Abandoned Subway Line 3. Acolyte in the shadow SKULL! BURST SKULL (knocked out)

redraw 6
Grim Devil’s Bar & Grille 1. Waitress in a violet dress
Fast Moving Train Cars 2. Running atop the cars
Lunar Industries Factory 3. Golden-toothed foreman
Ratsnest Nightclub 4. Bloodwolf Hitman
St. Midnight Cathedral 5. Holy water bottle
Lavender Opera House 6. Too many tomatoes
Bat Island Penitentiary 7. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (15) Lady in the Green Gown (HARK! VENGEANCE achieved!)
Bloodwolf Fightpit 8. The Bloodwolves’ First Rule…
Smoke-filled Lab

9. Ichor-enhanced Acolyte FOOT HAND SKULL! BURST HEART
The Half Broken Bridge 10. Bloodwolf Hermit
High-Speed Highway 11. Car-smashing Ichormass FOOT HAND SKULL! BURST HEART

Spoiler (click to reveal)

Looks like the cultists have some sort of weird experimental monsters based on “abyssal ichor” available to them?

Neon-drenched Sewers 12. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (16) Secret Master of the Dirtsnakes
The Overgrown Trail 13. The red-painted survivalist
Bet-on-Red Casino 14. Red-tied croupier (knocked out)
Moonlit Rooftop Romp 14. See a Lunar Eclipse HEART to DRAW 3 (pretty good one!)

redraw 6
Wither Park 1. Hellrat Mugger
Nightrise Skyscraper 2. Hellrat Window-washer
Xenon Beach Boardwalk 3. Tidal Wave
Crazy Car Chase 4. Turn down the secret tunnel
Grim Devil’s Bar & Grille 5. Booze-infused Hellrat
Moonlit Rooftop Romp 6. Obnoxious Chimney Sweep
Abandoned Subway Line 7. A dozen underdwellers
Hellrat Alley 8. Green-masked trash diver
Sanguine Galleria 9. Portrait of Lord Bloodwulf
New Moon Mall

10. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (17) The Ichor Peddler

EPISODE 12: Secrets of the Ichor
Jane Wicker has a sample of the ichor the Acolytes of the Abyss covet and exploit, and it may guide her deep into their mad mysteries!

Lunar Industries Factory 1. Wrench-toting Moondog

Ichor-Induced Head Trip! 2. Murmurs from the Abyss HEART to SCRY 5
Bat Island Penitentiary 3. Rowdy Inmate
Dreams of Grandma 4. Spectral Snickerdoodles HEART to DRAW 2 (grandma liked making cookies, I guess?)
Old Catfish Lake 5. Pan-fried Catfish HEART to DRAW 2
Hellrat Alley 6. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (18) Stoolie Blaze
Grim Devil’s Bar & Grille 7. Drunken Barflies FOOT HAND! BURST SKULL
Xenon Beach Boardwalk 8. Dirtsnake Bodybuilder
High-Speed Highway 9. Acolyte in sportscar FOOT SKULL! BURST HAND
The Half Broken Bridge 10. Bloodwolf Hermit
New Moon Mall 11. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (19) Abyssal Dreamweaver FOOT FOOT FOOT! DRAW 2 (a triple foot boss!)

Spoiler (click to reveal)

This one I decided to follow the path through more “psychological” stages of HEAD TRIP and STRANGE DREAM prompts

EPISODE 13: Priestess of the Abyss
Jane’s bizarre ichor driven visions have led her to converse with a strange magick-practioner in her mind, a woman called the Priestess of the Abyss, who mocks Jane’s efforts to find her. Jane sets out into the mean streets of Neon City once more, determined to beat down this obnoxious foe and see what she knows about grandma!

Xenon Beach Boardwalk 1. Green-speedo surfer
Ichor-induced Head Trip 2. Murmurs from the Abyss (seems appropriate!)
Lunar Industries Factory 3. Golden-toothed foreman
Dreams of Grandma 4. Spectral Snickerdoodles
Emerald Line Cruise Ship

5. Slime-covered Acolyte SKULL! BURST SKULL
Moonlit Rooftop Romp 6. Obnoxious Chimney Sweep
Abandoned Subway Line 7. A dozen underdwellers
Hellrat Alley 8. Green-masked trash diver
High-Speed Highway 9. Acolyte in sportscar
New Moon Mall 10. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (20) The Ichor Peddler
Terrors Unrelenting! 11. Dreadful Shadows HAND! BURST HAND
Nightrise Skyscraper 12. Red-masked Nightwatchman
Ratsnest Nightclub 13. Acolyte in a Tux HAND SKULL! BURST FOOT
Bet-on-Red Casino 14. Red-tied Croupier
Earthwyrm Sawmill 15. Random Lunchpail HEART to DRAW 3
Darkest Delusions! 16. Laughing Phantom of the Priestess SKULL! BURST SKULL
Secret Lair of Acolytes 17. Black-eyed Acolyte FOOT SKULL! BURST SKULL
Priestess Hideaway 18. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (21) Priestess of the Abyss

Spoiler (click to reveal)

You might be wondering why there are seven new “encounters” in this game. Well, it’s because I screwed up! I have yet to play Hark! Vengeance without accidentally adding in an extra explore or two. It usually balances out as catch these sort of errors later on and limit one of the end games to have fewer challenges.

EPISODE 14: The Remedy
The ichor threatens to consume Jane’s mind, so she must hunt down a rumored scientist thrall of the abyss who presumably has the only remedy to pure madness.

Ichor-induced Head Trip

1. Madness Manifest HAND SKULL! BURST FOOT
Fast-moving Train Cars 2. Running atop the cars
Abandoned Subway Line 3. Acolyte in the Shadows
St. Midnight Cathedral 4. Red-robed Fanatic
Skullgate Villa 5. Mysterious Master of Skullgate HEART to SCRY 5
Lavender Opera House 6. Too many tomatoes!
The Half Broken Bridge 7. Decaying Slats FOOT! BURST FOOT
Smoke-filled Lab 8. Mad alchemist with golden hands
Darkest Delusions 9. Poisonous ichor smog FOOT! BURST FOOT
Bat Island Penitentiary 10. Raging Rioters
Hellrat Alley 11. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (22) Forgotten Bloodwulf Heir
Nightrise Skyscraper 12. Red-masked Nightwatchman
Terrors Unrelenting 13. Face your fears HEART to DRAW 2
Moonlit Rooftop Romp 14. See a Lunar Eclipse
Wither Park 15. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (23) The Man in the Red Satin Suit
Infested Junkyard 16. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (24) Doc Craniak HEART FOOT SKULL! CYCLE HAND

EPISODE 15: The Sultan Below
With only lingering aftereffects of the ichor madness, Jane is resolved to destroy the cult once and for all! How? By finding their strange deity and beating it senseless … or at least until it reveals the secrets of the universe, such as what happened to grandma??

Neon-drenched Sewers 1. Expired Pills
High-Speed Highway 2. Acolyte on a motorbike
Abandoned Subway Line 3. Acolyte in the Shadows
Moonlit Rooftop Romp 4. Strange billboards
St. Midnight Cathedral 5. Holy water bottle
Hellrat Alley 6. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (25) Stoolie Blaze
Bat Island Penitentiary 7. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (26) Lady in the Green Gown
Emerald Line Cruise Ship

Ichor-induced Head Trip 9. Abyssal spikes out of nowhere FOOT! BURST FOOT
The Half Broken Bridge 10. Bloodwolf Hermit
Terrors Unrelenting! 11. Dreadful Shadows
Dreams of Grandma 12. Cultist in Grandma mask SKULL! BURST SKULL
The Overgrown Trail 13. The red-painted survivalist
Bet-on-Red Casino 14. Red-tied croupier
Earthwyrm Sawmill 15. Random lunchpail
Darkest Delusions 16. Laughing phantom of the priestess
Secret Lair of the Acolytes 17. Black-eyed Acolyte
Priestess Hideaway 18. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (27) Priestess of the Abyss
Neon Central P.D. 19. Commissioner Cultist FOOT HAND SKULL! BURST HEART
Nightrise Skyscraper 20. Malfunctioning vending machine! HEART to DRAW 2
Secret Lair of Acolytes 21. Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (28) Sultan of the Abyss HEART HAND SKULL! CYCLE FOOT

Spoiler (click to reveal)

Yikes...where does this have left to go now? Well, when I have a mind to figure it out, you'll know too!

And what of grandma? The Sultan of the Abyss did not have her, so who does??

Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (29) The Make-as-You-Play Genre
A few key links:
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (30) Welcome to the Make-As-You-Play Games Guild! – an overview of the genre at the Make-as-You-Play Games Guild
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (31) Making Games as You Play – the inaugural blog entry on the topic
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (32) Deep Future – a game in the genre about interstellar conquest
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (33) Big Picture – a game in the genre about making hit movies and flops
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (34) Star Charter – a game in the genre about discovering bizarre worlds
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (35) Last Haiku – a game in the genre about seeking distant wonders to inspire sublime or silly haiku
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (36) Two Thousand Years – a game in the genre by Dizzy_is_Calm about keeping squabbling tribes from destroying themselves
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (37) Shard Harvest – a game in the genre about dying in the wilderness and maybe making magic spells
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (38) The Cradle – a game by Heiko Günther of tribes and civilization (forthcoming)
Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (39) War of the Floating Islands of your Imagination – a game by Dizzy_is_Calm of puzzly dream-siege

Jane Wicker: Chapter 3 - a "Hark! Vengeance" Campaign Continuation... | Make-as-You-Play Games (2024)


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.